Tuesday, May 15, 2007


The people who read my blog regularly (God help them) would know my obsession with communication. Words fascinate me. Nothing quite compares to the joy I feel when I see a feeling expressed in a word. So you can appreciate my jubilance when I came across these words…

Wbi’ is Japanese for ‘the beauty of Simplicity’

Shibui’ is Japanese for ‘Restrained Elegance’

Torschlusspanik’ is German for ‘Fear of being left on the shelf’

On a lighter note,

Mvuki’ is Swahili for ‘shucking off your clothes’ (*evil grin*)

Drachenfutter’ is German for ‘peace offerings for wife from husband (literally, dragon fodder… hyuk hyuk)

Attacabottoni’ is Italian for ‘a bore who corners people with sad, boring tales’

And the most amazing one…

Razlyubit’ is Russian for ‘the feeling for someone you’ve once loved but now do not’ Brilliant, isn’t it…

I’m sure many of us suffer from ‘Torschlusspanik’ and 90% of us feel ‘Razlyubit’ for at least one person... *sly grin*

There’s nothing like Words, and there’s nothing like Communication… and there’s no one as repetitive as I am… so I’ll stop the banter now before I become an ‘Attacabottoni’ :)

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