Monday, May 21, 2007

Just Like Magic...

I love this picture. It’s a still from a movie called ‘Before Sunset’ (as is obvious). It’s a sequel to a movie called ‘Before Sunrise’. To put it simply, I’m totally Gobsmacked by the sheer brilliance of these movies. (Thanks to Abhinav for recommending them :) The only movie that I liked as much was ‘If Only’, but that’s in a different league altogether. While ‘If Only’ was perfect and ideal and dramatic, ‘Before Sunrise’ and ‘Before Sunset’ may as well have been out of a day of your life. In fact while watching the movie(s), you forget it’s a movie at all. The acting is amazingly Simple and simply Amazing.

You know why I Love this picture? Because when you look at it you can actually see the Comfort between the characters as a Real, Tangible Force. That’s the beauty of the movie(s). What they’ve been successful in bringing about is the Comfort between the protagonists which I feel, makes the core of the movie(s). Never have I seen such chemistry between the lead actors. Never have I seen Communication being presented so well. The movie, in fact, is all Communication. The guy and the girl fall in Love in front of you, because, for the first time (in my knowledge) has someone actually shown the process of falling in Love. It happens right there, in front of you, scene by scene. To top it, this Magical process is not tainted by any outside element, because for all practical purposes, there are only two actors. And nothing has been captured except for their Love and its Magic.

I feel this movie would give a lot of answers to anyone looking for Simplicity. I wish ‘Before Sunset’ had ‘Somewhere Only We Know’ by Keane as one of its songs. It would’ve been Perfect. I was reminded of the song more than once while watching the movie.

The thing I loved best is- in both the movies, there’s no inhibitedness, no holding back, no pretensions, no games. There’s only Love, Communication, Impulsiveness, Honesty and Abandon. While the first one is more Honest, Pure and closer to my heart, the next one is equally Simple, heart wrenchingly Sensitive and just as Moving.

I’m not very sure if everyone will like the movie(s)… [it touched me, yes, but then I have a weird taste in movies… :)] but I’m sure of this: if the movies does Move you; does Touch you, you’ll discover a Whole New Feeling, a Whole New Emotion, which I simply can’t define, or express… for, like all Joys, and every Magic, it can only be Experienced.


Ani... said...

Hmm... I'm yet to watch this movie. With even you joining Abhi's raving, guess I am left with no choice.:P

What's with bloggers and weird timings anyway? :D 2:45 AM???? (Don't worry... I'm no exception :D :D)

Voice of Silence: Silence of Voice said...

voo hoo!! you watched the movies!! indeed splendid tales of love and loving and loving MORE, na!

and critically outstanding as well- I remember mentioning the cinematic qualities of both movies- one doesn't notice the long "more than 5 minutes" shots ... it reminds you of a play rather than an edited tale of love...

anyway, im glad you are passing the word ... :D..

Anonymous said...

well uve described it so much
i'll probably havta get hold of both movies now!!!

V said...

Hm.. I remember suggesting u Before Sunrise after reading your comments on "If Only".

One can watch both the movies over and over again.. without getting bored.

Similar movies: "Tape", "Waking Life" (same writer/director actually). But these are of different genre..

Ulalume said...

@ Ani
I hope, by now, you Have watched the movies! The timing? Yeah.. i'd like to believe that's because we bloggers stay in a Parallel Universe which has a different time zone.. :)

@ Abhinav
Yeah i did! As i said, it doesn't seeem like a movie at all.. just a Very Special Day... :)

@ Supriya
Yup you better! :)

@ Vinay
Did you really? hmm.. well the point is i finally did watch it!! And yup i'll make it a point to watch the ones you mentioned... :)

Anonymous said...

I don't want to watch the movie. I don't feel like watching it anymore. What I would rather like is to hear it from you. The way you say it, the way you relate to it. That's what's more magical than anything that an onscreen presentation can ever conjure up. Cos you're the best.
Ok, the beginning was a complete over-dramatization. I can't wait to come to Nagpur, and watch the movie with YOU

pencil thief said...

i loved both the movies. and i discover something new every time i 're-watch' them.
i'm glad more people know about this movie now...

Jules said...

Hello. I found you because I saw that you listed "Only Love is Real" as one of your favorite books. Then I noticed you wrote about Before Sunset which is also on my list! We have two things in common! :)

Ulalume said...

@ Sushmit
I love it when you rave about me. :)

@ Pencil Thief
My feelings exactly.. there's always something new to be discovered about them... :)

@ Jules
We have another thing in common which probably explains these two... we're both Sagittarians... :)

Jules said...

Ha! I know. I noticed that too. :)

Oneirodynic said...

Did you manage to grab a copy of "Knocked Up"?