This post might seem familiar to you… either because famous writers have written something on similar lines, or because this particular thought has crossed your mind at least Once. Though I know the former event is more likely to occur, I desperately hope it’s the latter that does… And if neither rings a bell, well, I can always try again… :)
So here goes
Some of us choose to express this Idea. Some of us don’t.
Some of us act on it. Some of us don’t.
What happens if we follow such an Idea? What happens if we don’t?
I don’t really know.
I believe, though, that whatever happens next is simply a reaction to the Choice we make.
There are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ choices. Simply Choices.
There are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ ideas. Simply Ideas.
And just like all of us have an Opinion, we all have an Idea…
What’s yours?
1. It's the latter
2. I was going to write about this in my blog, maybe will someday.
3. Here's one idea of mine...
Why should people with hearing deficiencies wear hearing aids that are ugly and proclaim their defects so loudly.
If companies designed them like bluetooth headsets, they'd have a cool solution and end up looking hep in the bargain.
Now, the key difference.
The difference between expressing an idea ..
and acting on it.
Your thoughts?
1. This is a bit spooky.. i've had similar thoughts about hearing aids (though I also remember my initial resentment towards the bluetooth headsets.. i used to call them hearing aids :)
2. The difference between Expressing an Idea and acting on it is Somewhat akin to the difference between reading a story and making a movie on it.
(ok maybe always not that huge but i mentioned that because i want to make a movie someday :)
3. All of us have ideas. But a lot of people don't express their ideas in the fear of sounding foolish or being laughed upon, or chided or being told to stick to the 'real, practical world'... that is why, even to express an idea that sounds 'different' is pretty courageous.
Acting upon the idea is a different deal altogether, where you take efforts to give shape to the idea, and make it a reality, try and make it work.
For instance, you mentioning your hearing aid wala thought and giving the links is an Expression of your idea(and a very sensitive one at that)
now if you were to write to a particular company manufacturing hearing aids making your suggestion; that would be acting upon your idea.
4. What do you have to say to my blatant theft of your 1.,2.,3. wala idea (style)?? Hyuk. Hyuk.
On a serious note, What still matters most is that we acknowledge our ideas, and try to express them. Who knows which one is capable to bring about a Miracle?
here's my idea:
" love selflessly irrespective of the reaction,
live life king size, irrespective of the disappointments,
laugh wholeheartedly , irrespective of the tears,
keep hoping for a miracle , irrespective of losing everything..."
as for acting my idea out, i am in the trial phase...will let u know how it works out
by the way that was me, abha
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