Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sense and Sensitivity...

Sounds good, doesn’t it?? Sense and Sensitivity... An alliteration (one of my fave figures of speech) and at a safe distance from downright plagiarism… (for everyone who knows what I’m talking about.. and for those who don’t, welcome to the club!! I don’t know myself!!)

but I fooled you! This post isn’t about sense or sensitivity... (Snicker Snicker) :)

Still want to continue reading?? Fair enough!! I believe in second chances too... :)

This post is actually about Nothing… you think there can’t be a post on Nothing? Well I’m going to prove you wrong!!

Notice how I’m keeping the tone of this passage (man RC is getting to me!) strictly interactive?? In spite of the fact that there haven’t been any comments on the past two posts?? Now what does that tell you?? I’ll tell you what that tells you…

  1. I am slow
  2. I am dumb
  3. I never learn
  4. I’m going to continue blabbering

Any complaints? Disagreements?? Of course not! How can there be when nobody is reading this at all? Which brings us to a very interesting question… why am I writing this then?? I’ll tell you… I’m writing because I have nothing better to do… and when I’ve nothing better to do (which is most of the time) I write!! Notice how I’ve managed to be jobless myself and waste your time too!! Man I’m brilliant! Scratch the previous conclusions!!
Now... How much of your time did I ruin?

1-2 mins – you’re good at RC

2-5 mins – you’re not good at RC

5-7 mins – hang on… do you even care about these estimates!! Because I’m kidding and these are fake!!

Any guesses why I’m so foolish?? Yeah you got it! (I know you didn’t, but I can’t say ‘you dunce, why the *&^% can’t you get it?’ right?) So…. I took Steve Jobs too seriously when he said ‘Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish’ which reminds me, that I’m hungry!!

So I’ll stop here! Yes, finally!! So I’ve managed to talk about nothing!! *applause* :)

As always, I love it when I don’t make sense!! :)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

About Time...

Sometimes, a really weird thing happens to me. When I get up in the morning, I suddenly go back in time. I might feel it is 2003 and I need to work for NASA, or it is 1999 and I need to go to school, or it’s 2005 and I need to get ready for office. Sometimes I start searching for a ring on the bed, that I distinctly remember having worn before I went to sleep, only to discover that I gave it to Dido a fortnight back. It’s spooky, if not scary. Not being in tune with time can make you feel very helpless.

Such a crazy thing, Time. So Powerful, so Overwhelming. It can heal the deepest wounds, or leave the deepest scar. It makes allowances for everything… your sweetest memory, your greatest fear, your best achievement; your worst failure… everything else can stand still, except time. In fact, time can often be cruel simply by moving on.

The truth remains,though… that time is the toughest test and the greatest proof, of Life and of Love… a test all of us need to take, sooner or later, and then wait... for Time’s verdict. And of course, hope for Justice… :)

Thursday, October 19, 2006


‘Everything comes to the one who waits, provided he knows what he’s waiting for…’ I don’t know who wrote this; Roy Sir quoted it… It seems to make sense, doesn’t it? I wonder if it would work, though, if you know, deep inside, what you want, but you don’t want to acknowledge that... or simply haven’t realized that. It should stand true na... because isn’t it also said that you never learn something, but realize what you already knew? That is what Richard Bach says anyway, and I’d like to think that’s true… :)

Sometimes you feel you know what you want… But then you look at the person who has that, and realize you wouldn’t want to be in his (her, in my case) shoes!! Then you start soul searching again…

What helps though, is good old communication... talking to people you can relate to... the ones who make you think, the ones you connect with, the ones who give you the ‘release’ you look for!!

There’s a Power in Communication, I believe, that is most definitely Unique… :)