Sunday, May 28, 2006

Everybody's Changing

There’s a song by Keane called ‘Everybody’s Changing’. The way I’ve been pleading people to listen to it, you’d think I was getting paid for it. Kya karen I can’t help it. It’s one of the best songs I’ve ever heard. When I listen to it, I feel as if I had been waiting for it. The chorus goes like this….

So little time
Try to understand that I
Try to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same

I love this part.. Isn’t that what all of us do? Try to make moves just to ‘stay in the game’? And look on helplessly as people change? So much of our time is spent playing games, putting up facades, when it’s so much easier to just be ‘ourselves’? Where do these inhibitions come from anyways? I wish they’d all go back to wherever they’ve come from. Life’s so short to be something you’re not; you hardly have time to be what you are…. If you figure out what you are that is… I believe I’m straying from the topic… well why not? I love it when I don’t make sense… :)


Oneirodynic said...

Where do these inhibitions come from anyways?

They come from nowhere.Thats how human beings are wired to react.If the world were a place you were imagining to be (everyone is open yada yada),people would be have been too open and there would have been no space for *emotions*.People change or put a facade because they have emotions.Lack of emotions is ultimate openness,but thats brutal and not recommended.

Remember someone called Roark?

iceman said...

great lyrics... i know what you mean..its like i'm running just to stay in the same place...! :)

Anonymous said...

Try to make moves just to ‘stay in the game’? And look on helplessly as people change?

Well, life is a game, and you have to play it by its rules

There's this popular book called "Who moved my cheese?" which makes the point that change is inevitable, and you have to move along..; and I totally agree with it.

interesting point. i agree with the first part of the comment; emotions are for oneself, to act as guides. and lack of emotions might be brutal. but that is not 'openness'.

openness is when one feels secure enough to act in what she believes in. when one 'doesn't care' about the consequences, not because she is emotion-less but because the sense of pain, for example, has been given a lower priority over sense of rightfulness.

infact, i think the rather exteme Roark was created to illustrate the difference between passion,romanticism on one side, and pity,insecurity on the other...

Ulalume said...

hey you've put that pretty well... :)

Ulalume said...

Not surprising that you understand, Swapnil... :)
Oneirodynic, your clarity of thought is impressive,though i differ... :)

Ulalume said...

thanks Abhinav.. you jus pulled a Rabbi!! ;)